La lista de la compra

Paco & Sandro are making a shopping list.

In this video you will learn: how to make a shopping list in Spanish, to express your likes and dislikes regarding food in Spanish, to explain your preferences in Spanish.


SANDRO: Apunta también atún fresco, me encanta.

PACO: Pues a mi no me gusta, además es muy caro y la economía familiar no está para esos sustos. Hay que comprar productos prácticos.

SANDRO: Vale, vale… faltan huevos, mantequilla, leche, zumos, fruta, pasta, patatas chips, y…

PACO: Carnes… sí, pollo, lomo, bistecs, pizza congelada

SANDRO: La pizza no es carne.

PACO: La pizza barbacoa lleva ternera, así que se acepta como carne.

ÁGATHA: ¡Pepinos! ¡Hay que comprar pepinos!

SANDRO: ¡Si se compra pizza hay que comprar atún!

PACO: Pues no.

SANDRO: No ¿Por qué?

PACO: Porque no me gustan los pescados, como mucho las sardinas en escabeche, esas que van en lata.

ÁGATHA: ¡Pepinos! ¡Hay que comprar pepinos!

SANDRO: ¡Qué pesadita! Espérate que todavía no hemos llegado a la sección de hortalizas y verduras.

ÁGATHA: ¡Quiero pepinos!

PACO: Además, tú no comes pepino. Yo nunca te he visto ponerte esa hortaliza en la ensalada, incluso podría afirmar que lo odias.

ÁGATHA: Efectivamente, a mi no me gustan pero a mi cutis le van de maravilla.


SANDRO: Put down fresh tuna. I love it!

PACO: Well, I don’t like it. It’s very expensive and the family budget doesn’t allow for such high expenses. There are practical products to buy.

SANDRO: Okay, okay … missing eggs, butter, milk, juice, fruit, pasta, potato chips, and…

PACO: Meat … yes, chicken, pork, steak, frozen pizza

SANDRO: Pizza is not meat.

PACO: Barbecue pizza has meat, so it is accepted as meat.

AGATHE: Cucumbers! We have to buy cucumbers!

SANDRO: If you buy pizza you have to buy tuna!

PACO: Ah, no.

SANDRO: No. Why?

PACO: Because I don’t like fish, and much like marinated sardines, those are canned.

AGATHE: Cucumbers! We have to buy cucumbers!

SANDRO: How annoying! Wait we haven’t reached the vegetable section yet.

AGATHE: I want cucumber!

PACO: Plus, you don’t eat cucumber. I’ve never seen you put this stuff in the salad. I might even suggest that you hate it.

ÁGATHA: Yes, I do not like them, but my skin is looking marvelous!


Me encanta la pizza
I love pizza
ENCANTAR is a verb to express you like smth very much. It is a special verb as it needs a special pronoun before the verb according to the person. It works the same as verb “gustar”. ME encanta, TE encanta, LE encanta, NOS encanta, OS encanta, LES encanta. It can be followed by a singular noun or a verb. For example: “Me encanta el pollo frito” I love fried chicken. Nos encanta viajar. We love travelling. When it is followed by a plural name, then the verb is plural: encantan. Example: Les encantan los tomates.

Faltan huevos, leche, queso…
They are missing eggs, milk, cheese…
FALTAR is a verb we use to express that we need something that we have not in that moment. It could be even a person. For example, imagine when we are waiting to enter the cinema and someone says: Wait, is missing Maria. Espera, falta Maria. It is a special verb as we always say or write the thing after the verb.

Hay que comprar atún.
We have to buy tuna.
HAY QUE is a impersonal expression which means that we need, it is necessary to do something. It is followed by an Infinitive. Examples: Hay que beber menos alcohol. We have to drink less alcohol. Hay que conducir más lento. We have to drive slowly.

No me gustan los pescados.
I don’t like fish.
GUSTAR is a special verb that needs a special pronoun in front of it. It works as verb ENCANTAR. ME gusta, TE gusta, LE gusta, NOS gusta, OS gusta, LES gusta. It can be followed by a singular noun or a verb. For example: “Me gusta la ensalada” I love salad. Nos gusta cocinar. We love cooking. When it is followed by a plural name, then the verb is plural: gustan. Example: Les gustan los pepinos. They like cucumbers.

A mi piel le van de maravilla.
My skin is looking marvelous.
IR DE MARAVILLA, is a expression that means something is very good for other thing. For example, in this chapter cucumber are great for skin. We say in Spanish: A mi piel le van de maravilla los pepinos. My skin looks great with cucumbers. A mi madre le va de maravilla tomar el sol. My mother feels great with sunbathes. When we want to express the opposite, that something is bad for us,then we say: IR DE PENA